ஏப்ரல் 27, 2008

-Amazing 51 Facts -

People who ride on roller coasters have a higher chance of having a blood clot in the brain.
Black bears are not always black they can be brown, cinnamon, yellow and sometimes white.
People with blue eyes see better in dark.
Each year 30,000 people are seriously injured by exercise equipment.
The placement of a donkey's eyes in its head enables it to see all four feet.
The sun is 330330 times larger than the earth.
The cow gives nearly 200000 glass of milk in her lifetime.
There are more female than male millionaires in the U.S.A.
A male baboon can kill a leopard.
When a person dies, hearing is usually the first sense to go.
Bill gates house was designed using Macintosh computer.
Nearly 22,000 cheques will be deducted from the wrong account over the next hour.
Almost all varieties of breakfast cereals are made from grass.
Some lions mates over 50 times a day.
American did not commonly use forks until after the civil war.
The most productive day of the week is Tuesday.
In the 1930's America track star Jesse Owens used to race against horses and dogs to earn a living.
There's a great mushroom in Oregon that is 2,400 years old. Covers 3.4 square miles of land and is still growing.
Jimmy Carter is the first U.S.A. president to have born in hospital.
Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.
Cleopatra married two of her brothers.
Human birth control pill work on gorillas.
The right lung takes in more air than the left.
It is illegal to own a red car in shanghai china.
A hard-boiled egg will spin. An uncooked or soft-boiled egg will not.
Astronauts cannot burp in space.
The snowiest city in the U.S.A. is blue canyon, California Lake Nicaragua in Nicaragua is the only fresh water lake in the world that has sharks.
Kite flying is a professional sport in Thailand.
The great warrior Genghis khan died in bed while having $ex.
No matter how cold it gets gasoline will not freeze.
SNAILS have 14175 teeth laid along 135 rows on their tongue.
A BUTTERFLY has 12,000 eyes.
DOLPHINS sleep with 1 eye open.
A BLUE WHALE can eat as much as 3 tones of food everyday, but at the same time can live without food for 6 months.
The EARTH has over 12,00,000 species of animals, 3,00,000 species of plants & 1,00,000 other species.
The fierce DINOSAUR was TYRANNOSAURS which has sixty long & sharp teeth, used to attack & eat other dinosaurs.
DEMETRIO was a mammal like REPTILE with a snail on its back. This acted as a radiator to cool the body of the animal.
CASSOWARY is one of the dangerous BIRD, that can kill a man or animal by tearing off with its dagger like claw.
The SWAN has over 25,000 feathers in its body.
OSTRICH eats pebbles to help digestion by grinding up the ingested food.
POLAR BEAR can look clumsy & slow but during chase on ice, can reach 25 miles / hr of speed.
KIWIS are the only birds, which hunt by sense of smell.
ELEPHANT teeth can weigh as much as 9 pounds.
OWL is the only bird, which can rotate its head to 270 degrees.
In the last 4000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.
On average, people fear spiders more than they do death.
The c!garette lighter was invented before the match.
Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.
Tapeworms range in size from about 0.04 inch to more than 50 feet in length.
German Shepherds bite humans more than any other breed of dog.
A female mackerel lays about 500,000 eggs at one time.

ஏப்ரல் 16, 2008

ஒழுக்கத்தை கற்றுகொடுக்கும் பெற்றோர் வரிசையில் நிற்க தயக்கம் காட்டுவது ஏன்?

மக்கள் நடக்க கான்கிரீட் தளம் அமைக்கும் அரசு வாகனத்தை பாதுகாப்பாக நிறுத்த இடம் ஒதுக்க தயங்குவது ஏன்?

- மின் ஊர்தி பயண சீட்டு பதிவு செய்ய வந்த பொழுது தோன்றிய விஷயம்.

மீண்டும் வருவோம்ல...

ஏப்ரல் 11, 2008

மனதுக்கு இசையும், ஆன்மீகமும்

உடலுக்கு சுவாசமும், தேகப்பயிற்சியும்,

உணவுக்கு பால், பழம், காரட்

பயணத்துக்கு கிழக்கு கடற்கரை சாலை

காற்றுக்கு பழைய மகாபலிபுரம் சாலை

வெயிலுக்கு வேர்க்குரு

மழைக்கு கடலோர குடியிருப்பு

குளிருக்கு கடல் காற்று

சினிமா பார்க்க சத்யம் வளாகம்

கடலை போட பெசன்ட் நகர் கடற்கரை

காலாற நடக்க திருவான்மியூர் கடற்கரை

குடும்பத்துடன் குதுகளிக்க மெரினா கடற்கரை

நேரம் இருந்தால் சென்னை பேருந்து

இல்லையேல் இருக்கிறது ஆட்டோ


இருக்கவே இருக்கு நடராஜா சர்வீஸ்.

ஏப்ரல் 04, 2008

April Matham Mudhal Vaaram

Is there anything special about April first week other than being jammed by a lot of fun activities among friends and others?

It is nothing but as the new starts (financially not with respect to caste / country) to ring a bell in the mind that you are stepping into another year financial calendar. There are many controversies in the new year (in this 2008) stating that the government announced that the tamil new year has to be celebrated during the pongal holidays. I don't think that it would be a viable option personally (no politics jus personal). There are several calendars followed across the world.

Coming to the query that is put up, i would say that this would be another good year in terms of any activity that you would like to do. So my manager (i would say that way) he told that i need to kick start the migration of every user in my company to walk thro the path created by Active Directory Services feature in Windows Server 2003. That made a essence to the work that i wanted to do other than anything doing on a routine basis. You bound to be get locked into a small dimensional circle out of which you don't try to come out. It is like people getting into a big brand company securing themselves personally and professionally. You got to try something new go on different track to keep your individuality. Today my another friend said that if you find that someone is urging you to do his work, then you may get bored of doing a work. This perspective varies from person to person. When you speak about many subjects there are points that go with the topic and go against the topic.

சிறு கவிதைகள்:

தனிமை என்பது வாழ்கையின் ஓர் அங்கம்
நீ தனித்து வாழ்ந்தால் நிறைய விஷயங்கள் கற்று கொள்வாய்.

கர்வம் இருக்கலாம் எல்லா நேரங்களில்
ஆனால் ஒரு சிலவற்றில் அறவே நீக்கப்பட வேண்டும்.

நீயும் நானும் பேசிக்கொள்ளவே இல்லை
பேசினால்தான் நிறைவு தரும்.

நண்பர்கள் வேண்டும் உறவுகள் வேண்டும்
இல்லையேல் நீ இன்னும் மூர்க்கதனமாக மாறி விடுவாய்.

வேலை என்பது சமுதாயம் விரும்புவது
நீ என்ன விரும்புகிறாய் என்று முடிவு செய்.

மீண்டும் எழுதுவோம் ...