The day at home reminds me of an identical day in Melbourne wherein the forecast says "It is clear, but may be occasional showers in some parts of the city", but actually it was windy, with running showers all around the house.
It was a normal day like any other day off, but with additional counterparts like rattle aluminum windows, shattering trees across the wind directions and pouring water from the sky. The day still tempted for some hot and spicy food to compensate the cold ones outside. So I thought why can't cook some food this afternoon and enjoy them with a movie.
It wrapped up in a quite nice way with creeping thoughts of week start to work all the way towards the weekend. It is fairly appropriate to make a judgement of what would be on the cards for this month as the schools are re-opened and parents might have thought it is a fairly decent relaxation comparing the same with vacation.
So there may be some surprises awaiting in the door steps overlooking for the delivery person who could drop off my laptop charger which died eventually couple of hours before. More to come on board with fresh thoughts and sweet wonders.
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